Monday, April 4, 2011

Damned Blogger and virus

I haven't been able to update this blog for far too long due to a virus that blocks google analytics so I can't sign in to write. Work has been too busy for me to write ordinairly so I am going to move to wordpress.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

On top of the world

For some reason I was inanely happy yesterday and this morning too.
The rehearsal was perfect, box office was busy and of course I managed to get tickets for the family.
The fact that wages had been sorted too was a major boost considering that I have a week off coming up.
The prospect of not eating steam for evening meal is very appealing.
A new pipe, a copy of 'The Chap' and a bottle of Gin await!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Who'd be an actor?

Well, yesterdays rehearsals were a farce. For some strange reason they took place at 3 in the afternoon instead of 7pm. This meant that we were without 4 key actors.
I'm glad we've got the rotten rehearsal out of the way. There's always a crap one before the show opens.
This week there is one 'normal' rehearsal left before the tech, and 2 dress rehearsals.

Today I spent some time counselling folks, I enjoyed it despite the fact that all the text books say that these are 'impossible' cases.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A weekend

Some weekends just feel like any other. The time goes by quickly and before you know it you back to selling your time for money.
This weekend was good however, my mum was 69 and Patrick baked an unusual looking cake. We went for a jolly nice meal and returned playing darts (which as is customary) my wife won.
Swine! She can hit doubles, I can get the big scores but always seem to miss the doubles!
It was Patrick's introduction to horror movies too. "Army of Darkness" the least scary film of the Evil Dead trilogy but my favourite. Bruce Campbell is a legend because of this movie.
One bottle of 'Famous Grouse' down and we watched 'The Happening'. I've heard awful things about this film before hand, I quite liked it however, I can see that the casting was strange to say the least but it was quite a disturbing film in parts.
Sunday is proving to be a day of apathy. Rehearsal in an hour, no doubt Doctor Stage will do his magic and I'll be feeling alive again soon.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The colour of mustard

A strange day yesterday. I met a most delightful bunch of hardend criminals who made me laugh like a drain!
I also was coughing up brightly coloured lumps which in the spring sunlight looked almost charming.
This morning I met with one of my four managers (ahh the NHS) and told her my angst. I felt all the better for it too. If it makes any difference at all then 'We'll see'.
Today, my primary goal is to create some 'Miskatonic Asylum' letter heads for the play. Poor Mr Churnside has so many lines to remember that I feel it is better he reads them from some psychiatric notes. This is not cheating, it is method acting!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Disapointing monsters

My continual campaign to waste tax-payers money hit it's nadir this week. I decided a particularly useless waste of time and money this week would be to read some HP Lovecraft books.
I used to read them when I was 18 or so.
I used to find them boring and monotonous then, but felt compelled to read all his works.
So, 20 years later I decided to re-read them. To see if my literary appreciation has developed over the decades.
I now find only some of them utterly tedious. I did particularly enjoy 'The Thing on the doorstep' and I enjoyed parts of 'Dagon', right up until the monster makes an appearance. Monsters are just not scary. They don't work on Doctor Who and they don't work in films. With Lovecraft, one plods through pages of description that really are somewhat pretentious and surprise its a monster at the end.
Rehearsal last night was interesting...Turkle was once again under the influence, singing on stage at one point!